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Black Knowledge Wear is a platform that seamlessly merges history, culture, and fashion. It offers apparel designed to celebrate and represent African American roots and culture. The vision behind Black Knowledge Wear is to provide a space where clothing becomes a medium for expressing and honoring heritage and identity. By offering products that embody black entrepreneurship and empowerment, Black Knowledge Wear aims to inspire and uplift its community.

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 Logo apparel that supports our educational goals and represents our brand.

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Showcasing black accomplishments and contributions throughout the history of the United States.

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BLACK history month

Showcasing important events in Black History by the months.

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Showcasing legendary black figures throughout black American history, providing brief summaries of their accomplishments.

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Showcasing black individuals who were the first to accomplish something significant in their respective fields.

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Highlighting black inventors and their groundbreaking inventions.

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Celebrating the importance and strength of the black family unit.

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Celebrating All genre of black music and its diverse sub-genres.

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Celebrating and recognizing Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

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Showcasing influential music and record labels that made black music an integral part of American culture.

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Featuring popular black musicians and their inspiring quotes.

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Apparels designed for the fashion world with a Black Knowledge feel.

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Get Free Shipping on all orders over $150


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We are available at Monday to Friday from 7am to 9pm

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We offer hassle free returns within 14 days of receiving your order

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35-18 37th Street 
Long Island City, NY 11101
United States


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Cutomer service

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